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The 12 Best Father’s Day Gifts for the Outdoorsman

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The 12 Best Father’s Day Gifts for the Outdoorsman

Patagonia Provisions Mussels - camp like kings.

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A Snack for the Campfire Cocktail Hour

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A Snack for the Campfire Cocktail Hour

The latest in the Patagonia Provisions line is mussels, plump little morsels neatly packed in tins and available in three flavors: lemon-herb, sofrito (peppers and onions) and smoked.

Read the article at The New York Times.

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Patagonia’s Mussels in a Can Actually Taste Good

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Patagonia’s Mussels in a Can Actually Taste Good

Two of our staffers tested all three flavors earlier this year, and it’s safe to say they were impressed.

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Why is Patagonia now selling food?

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Why is Patagonia now selling food?

From breakfast cereal to smoked salmon, the outdoor gear retailer is on a quest to redesign the global food production system.

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Regenerative Organic Certification Wants To Be The Ethical Standard To Rule Them All

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Regenerative Organic Certification Wants To Be The Ethical Standard To Rule Them All

Dr. Bronner’s and Patagonia (which rolled out its food line, Patagonia Provisions, in 2012) are both leaders in ethical and environmental standards, and the heads of the two companies decided to join forces to strengthen and streamline the process by which other brands and producers can get on their level.

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